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Types of dog food

dog food

The types of dog food vary according to their health condition, and the preference of their breeders, as well as their prices and the way they are purchased and prepared. It can be categorized as follows:

  • Dry food (ground): Dry dog food is characterized by its lower prices than other types, and it can be kept without refrigeration for long periods. It also has many benefits for the dog; It helps to maintain the dog's teeth, and maintain their health in good condition; It is easy to chew, which limits the formation of harmful deposits that collect on the dog's teeth. It is recommended to read the ingredients of this food before buying it, and to choose the most beneficial for the dog.  
  • Wet food (canned): Although this type of dog food is available in shops and groceries, it is considered expensive compared to other types of dog food. Canned wet food has a long shelf life, which makes it a good option for dog breeders to buy it and feed it to their dogs. There are many commercial types of canned food, but not all of them contain the necessary and useful protein for dogs. something from him. It is mentioned that many types of wet food (canned) consist mostly of water (75%); The high percentage of water in this food is at the expense of the dog's nutrients, which makes him - that is, the dog - needs a larger amount of food, and for this reason it is recommended that the dog breeder read the ingredients of the item and verify them before buying it.
  • Semi-wet food: It is a food that resembles burgers and various pieces of meat, and is not considered one of the types of food that can be completely relied upon in the dog’s diet, as it is used from time to time to feed the dog to make it enjoy its delicious taste resulting from manufactured materials, and the flavors that are added mechanism.
  • Domestic food: It is the food that dog breeders are keen to prepare for their dogs at home, and they spend money, effort and time, to be confident in the quality of the food that their dogs eat. In this case, it is necessary for the dog owner to do adequate research and the necessary consultation to ensure that this food contains all the food the dog needs.
  • Raw food: It is raw, uncooked fresh meat, which is presented to the dog with the bones (and other organs) that are with it; Bones are a rich source of phosphorous and calcium, which are substances that the dog needs. And because dogs have a relatively short intestine, and strong intestinal acids, and therefore have a great ability to digest raw food and bones; This type of food is suitable for many of its species.
  • Special food: food that is purchased or prepared after consulting a veterinarian. This type of food is relied upon if the dog suffers from a disease condition, or from a specific allergy, so the breeder must consult a specialized veterinarian to find out the appropriate food for his dog.
  • Other types: The dog needs other types of food and food in order to grow well and be in good health. The dog can be fed green peas; They are a good source of protein and vitamins, and dogs need these nutrients so that their body can perform the necessary vital functions and build muscles. Dogs can also benefit from many other vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin and carrots. It is also possible to feed the dog sweet potatoes and chicken, without adding salt or fat to it, and there is no need to put any spices or additives on it.

Domestic dogs can also be fed boiled eggs, as well as a small amount of fruits, such as apple slices, with caution that they are free of seeds because they may be toxic to the dog because they contain a small percentage of cyanide. Pistachios and unsalted peanut butter are two types of food useful for dogs, as they contain a high percentage of protein and nutrients important for their health, such as fats, however, they should not be given to him only in small quantities, and caution - in the case of peanut butter - contains: Xylitol for its toxic effects on dogs. Yogurt and cheese are good foods for dogs because of their calcium, protein and nutrients.

Foods to avoid for dogs

As for the foods that should be avoided from serving to the dog so that it does not get hurt or poisoned, they are varied, the most important of which are the following:

  • Garlic and onions: The dog should not be fed these fruits at all, because they contain toxic and harmful substances that his digestive system cannot get rid of, and because they may cause serious damage to his red blood cells
  • Grapes: Grapes should be avoided, even dried ones (raisins); Because it is toxic to dogs, it may cause kidney failure.
  • Chocolate: It is necessary to avoid it, especially white ones, as well as cocoa of all kinds and its products; It contains a substance called methylxanthines, which causes dogs to have diarrhea, vomiting and a high heart rate.
  • Caffeine: any type of beverage that contains caffeine, such as tea, coffee, etc.; It may cause the dog to have a heart attack.
  • Alcohol: Any consumption of alcohol for a dog, even in a very small amount, will directly cause serious poisoning.
  • Sugar: It is necessary to try to avoid sugar as much as possible of all kinds, whether artificial or even natural, and all products that are available in a large proportion, such as soft drinks, fatty sweets, and so on, as this leads to a failure in the dog's organs.
