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Tips to maintain the health of dogs..sterilize them, examine them, and take care of their weight


Tips to maintain the health of dogs..sterilize them, examine them, and take care of their weight

Dogs like humans in their brains is what scientists have recently proven and according to a new study, both dog brains and human brains are treated in the same way, so we must keep dogs healthy and protect them from the risk of disease.According to the BOGY website, there are some tips to keep your dog healthy:

1: sterilization

Spaying prevents a dog from overheating and can help prevent breast cancer, pyometra, or uterine infections. Neutering a male dog can eliminate aggressive behavior and help prevent testicular cancer, prostate disease, and hernias.for more 

2: vaccination

By three months of age, the protective antibodies that are naturally transmitted through breast milk have been used up, and your puppy should be vaccinated to help protect him against many common infectious diseases, including leptospirosis, deficiencies, and retroviruses, as well as the rabies vaccine. Your vet may also recommend vaccinations against canine cough and Lyme disease. Vaccines will save your dog's life.for more 

3: Visit the vet

Dogs need regular visits to the doctor to ensure good health. An annual health check by your vet gives your vet a chance to nip any illness or health concerns in the bud before it causes major problems and bills. Your vet will ask about your pet’s behavior, eating and exercise habits, while examining Your dog's vital statistics.

4: Declare war on fleas and ticks

Fleas can cause health problems beyond itchy skin. They can be a source of allergies, anemia and tapeworms, you should treat all your pets, not just those where fleas are evident.fore more

You have to be especially vigilant in the warmer months, and with global warming, those warmer months seem to last longer and longer, which means you may need to extend those summer treatments.

5: Treating heartworm by preventing it

Heartworms are difficult to treat and can be fatal to your dog so prevention is key. Giving your dog one dose per month of a tablet, such as Heartguard, can stop heartworm before it starts.for more 

6: Playing sports

Exercising by walking and playing with your dog will keep you fit and mentally healthy and reduce the chance of aggressive and destructive behavior as well. Regular exercise helps your dog maintain a healthy weight and heart, while increasing muscle mass. Your dog's exercise requirements will vary depending on the breed, gender, age, and health.for more 

7: Watch the dog's weight

Lack of exercise and overfeeding is as much a problem in pets as it is in people. Your dog can't decide how much exercise he needs or what kind of food is best for him to eat, only you can do that.for more 

8.Weekly health checks

One of the best ways to prevent health problems is to check up on your dog weekly. First, check your dog's coat and skin for swelling, flakes, or mange. Then look in the dog's ears and eyes for any signs of redness or discharge. Finally, watch for any changes in your eating or drinking habits. If anything differs from what is normal for your dog, consult your vet.

9: brushing teeth

Bad breath can be a sign of dental or gum problems. Food particles, saliva, and bacteria known as plaque can build up on the gums and teeth and cause infection. If you don't treat this, the infection can lead to tooth decay and even move into the bloodstream and affect your animal's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones and joints.for more 

